Editing HTML Pages in Design View

The Design View pane of the HTML Designer provides a rich variety of tools for editing, formatting, and displaying HTML elements.

To add an HTML element to a Web page

To format an HTML element

Use any of these formatting methods:

To edit the properties of an HTML element

  1. Select the desired item on the Design view editing pane.
  2. Edit the property values displayed in the Properties window

    — or —

    Select Property Pages from the View menu, choose the appropriate category from its drop-down menu, and edit the property values displayed there.

To toggle markers for non-graphic HTML elements on and off in Design View

To make these markers display whenever you open a Web page in Design View

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Under the HTML Designer node, select Display.
  3. Under Display Options, select Show Details for Non-Visible Elements.

    Tip   Turn on Details while editing in Design View. This will keep you from inadvertently deleting non-graphic elements (for example, <DIV>, <SPAN>, <FORM>, <SCRIPT>) from your page while editing.

To toggle borders on and off in Design View

To make these borders display whenever you open a Web page in Design View

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Under the HTML Designer node, select Display.
  3. Under Display Options, select Show Borders for Borderless Elements.